There was a good turn out at the recent MOSI September 11 meeting.
One of the MOSI artists [Diane Baer] attended a recent watercolor workshop which she explained to the members.
Ashley Fay’s Art Store is a new business in town and she invited us each to come by and see her inventory, and take some art supply home and be creative.
There were two new members, Truman students, who joined. We are very happy to have Truman students join the art guild.
Another member showed a small horse figurine that was covered with a poem in Chinese. She read the poem to us in English.
During a short break the members voted on their favorite piece of art for the Artist of the Month contest.
Rusty Nelson, chairman of the Truman art department gave a presentation showing how their art students are using the electronic tablets to make their art more and more. Many programs give flexibility with the many devices available.
We all get ideas from the presenters and their specialties.
Here he shows how varying brushes make different marks on the electronic tablet.
This program has a sketch book in it onto which the artists can draw, paint, watercolor, charcoal, etc.
Then the Artist of the Month was announced: Judy Harris did an oil painting of a composite of four colts running in the field, titled “Playtime.”
Text and images © Jana Russon