Program – Writing an Artist Biography

An artist biography is typically exhibited along with the artist’s work and gives the viewer a story of the artist: their influences, their credentials, their medium and the intention of the work.

The biography should be 50–100 words, written in the “third” person. “He”, “She”, No “I”.

It should be interesting, accessible and engaging. Write as if you were speaking to the person.

It should explain the history of your artwork—influences, how it has developed, etc.

It should describe the materials and/or artistic techniques. Not too technical.

(STOP…We are now at 97 words.)

It should not include self praise words like “visionary”, “prolific”, “best”, etc.

Do include accomplishments such as exhibitions, awards, partnerships to a maximum of 5.

Allow reader to get a sense of you and your work. Show confidence and passion. Not only are you selling your artwork, but you are selling the artist behind the pieces.

Let others proof it and keep it up to date.

by Gigi Wahba, presented at the MOSI Meeting, April 14, 2016

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